JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group announce the Orana Hotel Blacksmiths sold to Arthur Laundy’s daughter Danielle Richardson and her husband Shane for $13 million. JLL Hotels’ Vice President Kate MacDonald assisted by JLL Hotels’ John Musca handled the EOI campaign.
JLL Hotels & Hospitality Group is pleased to announce the successful sale of the Orana Hotel in Blacksmiths to Arthur Laundy’s daughter Danielle Richardson and her husband Shane for $13 million.
Located 90 minutes north of Sydney and 30 minutes from Newcastle, the Orana Hotel occupies ~3,000sqm on a high-exposure corner site between the popular suburbs of Swansea and Belmont.
The Orana Hotel offers 11 GMEs, single bar operation, popular drive-thru bottle shop, large commercial kitchen, a beautifully renovated beer garden, and exciting revenue growth starting at over $100,000 excluding GST, with 20-25% in gaming.
JLL Hotels’ Vice President Kate MacDonald managed the Expression of Interest campaign fielding over 50 enquiries with keen interest coming from a wide-ranging buyer pool looking to secure a strong cashflow business in one of the most tightly held locations in NSW.
JLL Hotels’ John Musca, who assisted with the sale, noted the continual strong demand for coastal assets in NSW had driven unprecedented transaction levels due to the irreplaceability of the assets, coupled with sea-change lifestyle demographic trends in this post-COVID world, and an increase in local and domestic travel.
Shane Richardson is delighted with the purchase, commenting “Danielle and I are very excited to have found this little gem, and we love how the current owners have transformed this pub into a great family friendly hotel. We plan to keep building on this proposition and further make it a great social hub for the community of Blacksmiths and the wider Swansea Belmont region.”
JLL Hotel’s Kate MacDonald believes the Richardson’s will thrive in their new acquisition, adding “We understand this sale to be record breaking for a NSW hotel with 11 GMEs (Band 3), and with Shane and Danielle at the helm, we look forward to seeing them take this strong and diverse business to the next level.”
The Orana Hotel is the fifth hotel located between Sydney and Newcastle sold by JLL in as many months, including the Lucky Hotel Newcastle ($19.5m), the Duke of Wellington New Lambton ($16m), the Grand Hotel Newcastle ($6.15m), and Woy Woy Hotel ($32m).
To request a sales analysis please contact the selling agents JLL Hotels’ Vice President Kate MacDonald assisted by JLL Hotels’ John Musca via the below contact details.