The new Government tourism strategy will enable a closer working relationship between government and the tourism industry, to the benefit of New Zealand and New Zealanders, says Tourism Industry Aotearoa.
The New Zealand Aotearoa Tourism Strategy was released by Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage at TRENZ 2019, the New Zealand tourism industry’s biggest and most influential trade event. It follows the launch by TIA on Tuesday of the industry’s own updated strategic framework, Tourism 2025 & Beyond – A Sustainable Growth Framework.
The two visions for the future of tourism in New Zealand are closely aligned and complementary, TIA Chief Executive Chris Roberts says.
“Like the industry, the Government wants tourism growth to be productive, sustainable and inclusive. We can only achieve that by steering the waka in the same direction.”
TIA also welcomes the Government’s commitment to take a stronger role as the steward of the tourism system, Mr Roberts says.
“The Government has correctly identified it is both an actor in the tourism system, through providing infrastructure such as roads, broadband and public amenities; and a steward, looking across the whole tourism system to make sure it is working effectively. There is a need for better coordination and planning across all of government, and strengthened partnerships with iwi, local government, businesses and communities.
“Working together, we can ensure the many benefits of tourism are realised, while managing the impacts.”
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