G’day Group adds key link to WA journey with Carnarvon acquisition
Wintersun Caravan and Tourist Park Carnarvon sold to Australia’s largest regional accommodation provider, G’day Group.G’day Group Chief Investment Officer Amanda Baldwin said the property presented an ideal opportunity to expand the Group’s Western Australian network along a popular coastal...
Karen Wales appointed Head of Hotels for Colliers Australia amidst tourism rebound
Renowned as an industry leader, Karen Wales has practised for Colliers since 2016 and specialised in the field of hotels and hospitality property since 2002.
Australia’s hotel market proves leaner and stronger as it undergoes luxury green facelift - Colliers
With the opening of around 3,420 rooms in 10 major markets throughout 2022, new hotel supply represented a moderation from the more than 5,000 rooms which opened in 2021, enabling hoteliers to respond dynamically to changes in tourism demand and spending and market conditions, according to Karen...